miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Could dragons have existed

Have dragons existed ?

Dragon is an etimological name that means snakes.
 The evolution has change a lot since the first cell was created.Some people think that they are the ancestors of reptiles ,mainly the cocodriles because of their skin and frogs because they have similar legs .Although there is  some other peolpe that think that they haven`t existed
In South America there is a type of snake that has very similar caracteristics to dragons.
The archaeologist are discovering some fossils of creatures that aren't known by humans.So this means that some species existed and they are new for us.
In China dragons are very common and they are used in festivals.

In a past century vikings made the frontal part of their boats with a dragon shape to protect them from bad things.
There is only one type of dragon still alive the komodo dragon.The komodo dragon was discovered in 1912 ,until that date they thought they were imaginary creatures like unicorns.

So for all this reasons dragons could existed in the past.

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