miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Why do lightning animals are so important for science?

                         Lightning animals.
Some animals have developed the aptitude to produce light with his body, to this there is called he scientific bioluminiscencia. This one is probably one of the animal characteristics that more surprise because they call enough the attention and astonish anyone. Certain animals have developed throughout the time this capacity for a diversity of reasons, which in general have great that to see with his survival. Between which we can find species that do it with the purpose of attracting pairs to form a pair, to communicate and in other varied cases to cheat possible predators or also to attract potential victims.
Between the species of animals that lightning (shine) in the darkness we have to the firefly, which segregates a substance called luciferina which is oxidized by the help of one enzyme, known like lucíferasa: this reaction is highly effective, practically without loss of energy. On the other hand, the fluorescent jellyfish possess a protein capable of receiving light of high energy named GFP (Green Fluorescence Protein) that issues fluorescence in the range of the green light.

     For what sound so important for the science?

Both previous cases have the particularity of using proteins, already be luciferasa or GFP. These proteins codified by paths you sequence of DNA, "they" are "copied" from his original guest by means of an ingenious method named PCR, (The Chain reaction of the Polymerase or PCR, it is a "in vitro" technology that imitates the natural skill of the cell of duplicating the DNA), capable of creating million copies of a sequence facilitating his later manipulation. These copies can interfere inside the organisms using different methods, which allow his implantation of permanent form to produce these proteins. The usefulness takes root in that hereby there can be seen easily the fabrics and the compartments that contain this protein, which has special importance in the field of the medicine, to study the behavior of the cells and of the fabrics affected by such diseases as the cancer or the HIV between others.

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