martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Has the moon volcanic activity ?

                                    HAS THE MOON VOLCANIC ACTIVITY?

The moon thought to be cold and dead , is still alive alive and kiching-barely . Scientists have found evidence for dozens of burps of volcanic activity , all within the past 100 millon years - a mere blip on the geologic timescale . And they think that future eruptions are likely - although probably not within a human lifetime .

Much of the moon’s near side is paved over in dark plains of basalt called maria. The activity that created these ancient lava fields peaked about 3 billion years ago and petered out 1 billion years ago. But a strange geologic structure called Ina has intrigued scientists for decades, and in 2006 they found evidence that it was indeed a volcanic vent that was active as recently as 10 million years ago. But Ina remained the anomaly.

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