Mosquitoes choose their victims based on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted to breathe and not, as stated in the popular belief, the "sweetness" of the blood, according to a study published recently in Nature.
A human being produces every day about one kilogram of CO2 and exhales every time-about 13 times per minute, expelling more than one hundred milligrams of this gas. Mosquitoes detect a pulsating stream of CO2, from which they infer that behind there is "fresh blood" to suck. The carbon dioxide emitted breathing is higher in adults than in children, and its amount varies depending on diet and exercise that followed.
In fact, entomologists at the University of Florida (USA) have developed traps for these insects which emit carbon dioxide as a person or an animal.
Lactic acid we emit breathing or through sweat also attracts these insects. Taller people and pregnant women emit more CO2 and lactic acid, so they are a perfect target for mosquitoes. People who just do intense physical exercise are also very attractive for these insects.
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